We do one thing: Tune pianos
Rather than trying to be a one stop shop for everything, we focus on doing one thing really well. Tuning your piano. No fancy upsells. Just tuning.
How long will tuning my piano take?
Plan on 2 - 2.5 hours depending if you need a pitch correction or just a fine tune.
How do I know if I need a pitch correction?
This will be determined after arrival and measuring the existing pitch of the piano.
Normally, a pitch correction and fine tune can be done in one visit but occasionally,
for drastic corrections, a followup visit may need to be scheduled to allow the strings
to stretch and adjust.
What happens if a string breaks while tuning?
It is very rare. Piano strings are built to withstand high amounts of tension,
but if a string is going to break it will likely be during a tuning. If this is the case
we can finish the tuning and send one of our trusted piano repair partners to
come and fix the string.
How often should I tune my piano?
Once a year is fine for typical use. For professional musicians or performance venues
consider tuning more often. For example, every 6 months or before each performance.